Former beauty queen, actor and TV personality brings
internet to Soweto
The ability to see newness in the familiar in conjunction
with the ability to see opportunities where others don’t
is the first reason why the self-made businessman, Malope
Mojapelo and his wife former beauty queen, actor and
TV personality, Michelle Molatlou started an internet
café in Soweto.

Situated next to The Rock, one of Soweto’s nightspots,
Cyberock Internet Café is beginning to boom.
This is the first business of its kind Rockville and
Soweto in general.
Although in its infancy the business is growing as Mojapelo
says there has been 26% revenue growth week-on-week since
opening in March this year. “The business has achieved
a 65% growth in market share and beginning to gain popularity,” says
Asked how did the idea of opening an internet café in
Soweto come, Mojapelo said: “It is the need. I
used to live in Randburg and was so much used to the
cyber kind of lifestyle and on my return to Soweto I
realised that there was no ‘business
communication centre’ one could go to. I felt a
bit frustrated by the non-existence of the resources
and thought that I should do something about it.”
Being a business-oriented person that he is Mojapelo
saw an opportunity for business by opening an internet
café for the people of Rockville. He then researched
this idea of starting an internet café and found
it viable at the current location. There are four other
business sites secured to open more cafés in Soweto.
With IT experience it was easy for him, as he knew exactly
what to do. In addition, the start-up costs were low
as the only things you need get started are the computers
and the internet connection line. As a result there was
no need for him to go and borrow money. He used what
he had saved over years.
Asked about the challenges he faces running such a business
he said: “Soweto does not have any accessible IT
support systems, one always has to call providers from
out of Soweto and this slows down the business as one
has to wait for longer in case systems are down.” According
to Mojapelo internet access is very popular during peak
hours. He says procurement is not always easy from Soweto
since there aren’t any visible computer consumables
Although business seems to be booming, there is still
a long way to go since most of our clients are new to
the internet “However, reception by the community
has been well and the number of people visiting the shop
is increasing.” He attributes this to the fact
that the shop is located in the right spot. Located next
to The Rock, one of Soweto’s nightclubs and not
also far away from Thokoza Park, which is one of Soweto’s
landmarks. Cyberock is accessible to people from different
Living Standard Measures (LSMs). People who usually visit
The Rock and also hang out at Thokoza Park are mainly
between LMS 6 and 10 and therefore are familiar with
the usage of internet and email and conduct most of their
business on the road. This has become their office whilst
entertaining themselves next door.
Mojapelo has hopes that the visit or internet usage
at Cyberock will increase as the shop gains popularity.
Mojapelo’s entrepreneurial skills are visible in
the way in which he positioned his business. His choice
of location was also strategic as the shop is located
in the vicinity of Mandla Hair Salon, a well-known Soweto
hair stylist. Many celebrities frequent this salon and
the place is very popular. Also proximal to the Cyberock
is Panyaza’s Butchery, a place where most people
from around Gauteng go to buy and braai.

To accommodate his patrons Mojapelo opens the shop 7
days a week. From 07:00 to 19:00 from Sunday to Thursday
and from 07:00 to 21:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. Services
that the shop provides include internet (which is the
core business of Cyberock), offsite office, corporate
stationery, cellphone consumables and document printing,
photocopying, binding and laminating. Another interesting
thing about Mojapelo’s entrepreneurial skills is
that he is also investing back to the community that
is supporting him. His corporate social investment includes
preparing and printing free of charge burial programmes
for the surrounding community.
Location stats
- Next to The Rock – a famous night spot in the
whole of Soweto.
- Next to Thokoza park – A long standing Sowetan
land mark
- Next to Mandla Hair Salon – A renowned hair
stylist in Soweto – Used to do celebrity
- Next to Panyaza Butchery – a famous braai area
in Soweto
Mojapelo’s progress to date
- Growth 26% week on week revenue wise
- 65% growth in market share so far – popularity
- Visibility improving.
- There aren’t many internet cafés in
- Mojapelo plans 4 more sites in Soweto with one opening
soon – June 2007